Wednesday 7 March 2018


    Who like to eat chocolate ? Please raise your hand ! 🙋 . Yeah same like me ! my fav dessert is chocolate .

     Who knows The Chocojar ? This chocojar has viral right now .

You can get this chocojar in 2 size . Bigger and smaller . The price so cheap and you can get in 2 ways whether in the store or online . You can just buy online . 

  This  chocojar has some delicious toppings among them are kit kat,oreo,kinder bueno ,m&m chocolate,marshmallow and milo .

You will not regret after try this . seriously very very delicious and you can eat anytime you want to eat !
You can make this by yourself .

Here the recipe !

You must have : 

-Cooking chocolate
-Cadbury chocolate
-Bubble rice

Here's how:
1. Boil the water in a saucepan.
2. Add as much cooked chocolate as you want and place it on the pot of water. Use the 'double boiling' technique, means two levels; Down - water and Upper - brown. So that's not what it's like to chocolate.

3. When all melted, add cadbury chocolate. And keep it up until everything is completely melted.

4. After that you can cook fried bubble rice on an empty pan (without oil). 

5. Combine liquid chocolate with bubble rice and taraaaa, ready! 😋

6) You can be stored in containers and can be combined with various types of toppings such as kit kat,kinder bueno and oreo

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